I don't usually have much use for the Post Office. As a fully actualized member of modern society I have very little need to mail stuff. I pay bills online, email, text and IM the handful of acquaintances I have remaining. And, in the off chance I had to send a package of even minimal value I would trust it with the far more helpful UPS. Were it not for returning Netflix DVDs, I would have absolutely no need to swing by Post Office.
So, needing to drop off the freshly watched season 7 of What About Jim DVDs, I headed to the Post Office on my way to “work”.
And if queued by some vengeful godlike entity that lives in the sky, four cars all swing into the Post Office drive thru mailbox almost simultaneously with my car being the last in line. One would think that with three cars behind you, the driver of the first car would offer up some sense of urgency in depositing his early letter to Santa. One would also assume that the driver, while swinging around to the mail box might have already rolled down his window in preparation of letterbox insertion.
As is often the case in Hey Asshat!, one would be wrong.
Nope. This dude slowly glides up to the mailbox, stops, lowers his window, inexplicably peers into the mail slot for a good three Mississippis, reaches for his letter, deposits it into the slot, peers back into the mail slot, rolls his window back up and then pulls ahead to start the remainder of his day of pissing people off.
Hey Asshat, some of us have jobs we need to go to. Not necessarily me, but some of us.
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